Written by Sol Zeev-Ben-Mordehai In the digital age, trends spread like wildfire; once-hidden corners of the internet now shine brightly in the spotlight. 15-second videos targeting boys and young men on how feminism has robbed them of success are widely seen on TikTok and Instagram. While there were always ideologicalContinue Reading

Written by Vittoria Cateni Cambodia, a land in Southeast Asia, has a particularly troubled history, ranging from the breakdown of the Angkor empire to French colonialism, and finally the Khmer Rouge’s brutal regime. As the country strives to move past beyond its past, the legacies of those events continue to hinder its opportunity for development.  One of theContinue Reading

Written by Sol Zeev-Ben-Mordehai The discussion of population decline following the global population surpassing eight billion people may seem absurd and perhaps contradictory. However, certain global demographic trends are increasingly worrying. Advancements in healthcare prolonging human lifespan, paired with declining fertility rates have led to ageing populations in some partsContinue Reading