Written by Carmen Rueda Lindemann Like an archangel she soars, her feathered cloak draped Like satin silk Pouring from her narrow frame And paints the sky black, red and orange in universal refrain. I reach out my weathered palm And oh, how I yearn for her to bear me awayContinue Reading

By Aengus Schulte *due to some formatting issues, Sphaera Magazine recommends you download the PDF version of the story* Disclaimer: this story contains strong language, violent scenes, and  upsetting imagery.   Starting up game:  Game files successfully loaded.  Options:  <NEW GAME>  <LOAD GAME>  <SETTINGS>  <CREDITS>  <EXIT>  New game  ERROR: command notContinue Reading

By Karline Lace Lately I’ve been wondering  how to cope with my past lives I have found that  I’m losing parts of myself  Forgetting what  I was like three years ago sitting in biology class and feeling miserable and invisible  (and being proud of that) and feeling sad  and confused Continue Reading

Art by Chira Tudoran This pen-made illustration is named “Potential, 2021” . It is dedicated to the new board and new members of Sphaera Magazine. I wish you all good luck with your writing, editing, illustrating, and most important of all: accomplishing your goals. Be they improving a skill orContinue Reading