Written by Tom van der Meij Conversation and daydreaming in Parisian bars, the peacefulness of the daily commute between suburb and city, the sun-struck elegance of French seaside resorts, long-dwelling conversations on love; jealousy, insecurity, searching and longing for happiness. These are some of the recurring themes in the moviesContinue Reading

By Tom van der Meij Kudos is the name of the 2018 novel that ended Rachel Cusk’s outline trilogy, with earlier works named Transit and Outline. These sparse titles work as fine characterizations for Kudos as well. The main character, a woman named Faye, finds herself in an unnamed seasideContinue Reading

By Federico Arcuri “Is this restaurant Orientalist?” It all started as a joke. The restaurant Amazing Taste, located between Schouwburgstraat and Wijnhaven, is our go-to restaurant when I and my peers want to grab something to eat after a long day at uni or in between two classes. Besides its strategic location, whatContinue Reading

By Hannah Vonberg Sustainability as a concept is becoming more and more prominent in our society. It is commonly  defined  as ‘meet[ing] the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future  generations to meet their own needs,’ and closely tied to climate change and  our way of consuming.Continue Reading