It’s beginning to look a lot like Sphaera recommendations. With the holidays right around the corner, it is also time for the Sphaera book, movie, tv-show, and music recommendations to come to town. Isn’t that all one could possibly want for Christmas? So sit back and Sphaera, as we giveContinue Reading

By Georgia Aimilia (Aimilina) Sarafi As part of my internship with the Amnesty International Student Group in the Hague, I wanted to explore whether incentivising the production of artivism through a prized art contest targeting students in the Hague would reenergise youth community engagement in international politics that may haveContinue Reading

By Tom van der Meij A couple of months ago, The Guardian asked prominent British writers how they coped with the Corona crisis and the lockdown the United Kingdom found itself in at the time. Celebrated novelist Julian Barnes wrote that he had found pleasure indulging himself in the moviesContinue Reading

By Zuzanna Mietlińska Polygamy, polygyny, and polyandry. Three different terms that embrace the same phenomenon – plural, inter-human relationships. Polygyny is when one man is in a relationship with more than one woman. Similarly, polyandry is when one woman is in a relationship with more than one man, and polygamyContinue Reading

By Alon Küster Last summer, I travelled to Shanghai to take part in a summer school on Chinese culture. The relationship between Confucianism and modern Chinese society stuck with me throughout my time there. Confucianism emphasizes personal integrity and the importance of community. Modern Chinese society has undergone many changesContinue Reading