Written by Luiza Jacovaz In 1904, the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) was founded by Belgium, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. The goal was to promote friendly relations among National Associations, Confederations, their officials, and players. The growing competition among soccer teams in Europe urged for aContinue Reading

By Hannah Vonberg Environmental racism is an awkwardly imprecise term. However, it captures a multitude of factors that constitute modern forms of racism.  Racism systematically constructs inequalities by conferring advantages upon one racial/ethnic group at the expense of others; power and privilege are distributed unevenly across space and time basedContinue Reading

By Georgia Aimilia (Aimilina) Sarafi As part of my internship with the Amnesty International Student Group in the Hague, I wanted to explore whether incentivising the production of artivism through a prized art contest targeting students in the Hague would reenergise youth community engagement in international politics that may haveContinue Reading