Written by Sol Zeev-Ben-Mordehai In the digital age, trends spread like wildfire; once-hidden corners of the internet now shine brightly in the spotlight. 15-second videos targeting boys and young men on how feminism has robbed them of success are widely seen on TikTok and Instagram. While there were always ideologicalContinue Reading

Written by Kayla Sagiz- Head of Submissions Bali, the Indonesian island paradise, has always attracted sun-seekers and spiritual seekers alike. However, in recent years, a new type of traveler has arrived: the digital nomad.  These remote workers have left their traditional office jobs in search of more freedom and flexibility,Continue Reading

By Zuzanna Mietlińska Between the freedom of expression and loaded language in a political debate, there is thin ice. One of the few influential politicians in the world that constantly balances on it – is Donald Trump. One can wonder – what are the examples of his linguistic „juggling acts”?Continue Reading