By Juni Moltubak Neither unforeseen, nor unexpected, but yet shocking and disruptive. The death of George Floyd caused global reverberations across political, social, and emotional spectra. In addition, this wave of Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests has to a large degree spread online, amplifying its transnational and transcultural scope. BLMContinue Reading

By Lauren Griesedieck No, this is not a piece about why I love Joe Biden (because that is definitely not true). This is about why I am voting for him anyway, and why you should support him too. There is much at stake in this election, and voting for localContinue Reading

By Joanna Sowińska  Politics is odd. It is often characterised by the lust for political power, and the Polish government is a clear example of this phenomenon. In 2015, Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (eng. Law and Justice), a right-wing, populist, conservative party won the national elections for the second time since its creation inContinue Reading

By Caitlin Elston-Weidinger April 10th–just a month ago, stuck somewhere between apprehensive and unbothered–we were discussing the first two closures of the stock markets over a joint at Vondelpark, attending lectures with an air of hesitation over what was still only being fatefully understood as a Chinese or Italian problem.Continue Reading

By Tom Schulte In about a year, on the 17th of March, the Netherlands will have its next general election. This is, of course, if the current government does not fall prematurely. The cabinet of Rutte III started this political year very strong; it had managed to negotiate both aContinue Reading