A journalist dying in a pool of blood, 200 princes in jail in one month, thousands of children dying of hunger in Yemen. This is the legacy of the first year of the recently appointed Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. After initial enthusiasm about his widely anticipated reforms, the tablesContinue Reading

By Lara Kaptein Back again with a new Dutch Politics for Dummies! This time, I will discuss the elections of the 20th of March on the Dutch state level: Provinciale Staten. In these elections, every Dutchie was able to vote for their preferred representative for their province. The voter turn-outContinue Reading

By Lara Kaptein Many of you have been living in the Netherlands, specifically in the Hague, for at least half a year now. Probably many of you also know that even though The Hague is not the capital of the Netherlands, it is the capital in Dutch politics! I willContinue Reading