By Hannah Vonberg Sustainability as a concept is becoming more and more prominent in our society. It is commonly  defined  as ‘meet[ing] the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future  generations to meet their own needs,’ and closely tied to climate change and  our way of consuming.Continue Reading

By Juni Moltubak, Arianna Pearlstein, and Helena Reinders Second hand, thrifted, ethical, vegan, organic, local, recycled, minimalistic, fair. What does it really mean to be a sustainable brand?  In fashion, sustainable brands usually emphasise two things: the environmental impact of production (fabrics, shipping, chemicals) and ethical production (fair wages, aContinue Reading

Editorial In a crowded room, a mixed bunch of students were eagerly awaiting the panel discussion on Kashmir. The event, highly relevant due to the recent revoking of Article 370 of the Indian constitution, was the first academic event of the year for CIROS. Indian-administered Jammu-Kashmir, a contested area betweenContinue Reading