By Lara Kaptein Things have been a little bit quiet lately in the politics of the Netherlands. An article of the NOS (the Dutch news organization) stated that the Second Chamber is on a holiday right now, so nothing much is happening. Parties and party leaders are still recovering fromContinue Reading

By Lara Kaptein Back again with a new Dutch Politics for Dummies! This time, I will discuss the elections of the 20th of March on the Dutch state level: Provinciale Staten. In these elections, every Dutchie was able to vote for their preferred representative for their province. The voter turn-outContinue Reading

By Lara Kaptein Many of you have been living in the Netherlands, specifically in the Hague, for at least half a year now. Probably many of you also know that even though The Hague is not the capital of the Netherlands, it is the capital in Dutch politics! I willContinue Reading